Scenic Matavai Resort Niue i Tamakautoga

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Tapeu-Porritt Road, Tamakautoga, Niue
Kontakter telefon: +683 4368
Latitude: -19.1107715, Longitude: -169.9134982
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Kommentar 5

  • legi titan

    legi titan


    This hotel has no rooms available for the dates of your stay, but we can suggest other available hotels.

  • Alan Jones

    Alan Jones


    Nice facilities but a little dated

  • Anahita Daruwalla

    Anahita Daruwalla


    Clean with all the amenities. Excellent staff & service.

  • Chloe Pulehelotoii

    Chloe Pulehelotoii


    During our stay at matavai apartments we enjoyed the room it was really clean and comfortable...though during our stay the island had the power outage which was on and off , we had frozen foods which were defrosted 3 times and frozen again , which we let reception know , nothing was done. We did not receive our welcome breakfast package , the iron which we asked staff that we could use had bleach in it and ruined the item of staff at main resort kept changing the price of drinks and snacks which we were very disappointed in! No pool towels were seems you have to ask if you want something! The resort needs improvement

  • LT120



    Food was nice but didn't have the daily advertised sushimi which disappointed and upset the wait staff as we were one of first to dine that evening. Rooms in older section are tired and need refreshing. There is a section with newer rooms so perhaps they are onto this issue. View is amazing

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