Magical Niue Sea Adventures - Scuba Diving i Alofi

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Main Road, Alofi North, Alofi, Niue
Kontakter telefon: +683 4347
Latitude: -19.0399191, Longitude: -169.9164076
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Kommentar 4

  • JB



    The diving, whale encounter, snorkeling and dolphin encounter experiences we had were amazing. Take the opportunity to go diving in Niue, abundant and unique reef life as well as some of the best visibility anywhere in the world.

  • Melanie Russell

    Melanie Russell


    We spent six days of our 14 day holiday in Niue with Magical Niue Sea Adventures – four scuba diving trips and two snorkelling trips. Rami, Julz, Marta, and Tomas were absolutely professional, friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable - we really enjoyed our trips with them. Rami took us to the best dive sites, we got to try out the underwater scooters on one of the snorkelling trips, and we got to swim with dolphins on one of the scuba trips. Also loved coming back to the shop and eating Jules’ pies, chips, and bacon butties! Fantastic experiences - we highly recommend you go with these guys.

  • Ella Hekesi

    Ella Hekesi


    Peace and trsnquility

  • joko susanto

    joko susanto


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