Limu Pools i Tahileleki

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Unnamed Road, Tahileleki, Niue
Kontakter telefon: +683
Latitude: -18.9768364, Longitude: -169.8974299
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Kommentar 5

  • Pleayo Tovaranonte

    Pleayo Tovaranonte


    There 2 swimming spots in the area. The first part takes about 7 mins down a well-constructed series of steps. Once you see a shaded sail above the bench you are in the right place. You can choose to go down from the left (easier) or on the right (with steps and a rope into the pool). The water is blue and clear. Well sheltered amongst rocks. Some parts are shallow and walkable. Walk another 5 mins further to the 2nd spot where you have to climb a ladder down ad through rough rocks. There you will find a beautiful arch. Watch for torrential waves in this pool around those caves. It takes moderate cardiovascular fitness to walk all the way up to the carpark without stopping to take a few breaths.

  • Peni Misikea

    Peni Misikea


    Magical place. Must go spot on Niue.

  • JB



    Choice of two rock pools suitable for all tides, take the right hand track to a swim through arch giving access to the outer reef.

  • Callum Manson

    Callum Manson


    Absolutely amazing. A really life changing place.

  • Will Summer

    Will Summer


    One of the safe places to swim with kids in Niue at any tide. It is mostly sheeted from the ocean swell. Good accessible through non-slip path and set of stairs. The water is crystal clear, with fish and other marine life, like moreeel, sea snakes (shy and noon-agressive). It also offers safe jumping into water opportunity from the rocks.

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